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Ultima Online. The Abyss. Информационный Портал.

Ultima Online

Ремонт Брони

(Голосов: 5)

Ремонт навыком Blacksmithy

Название Ресурсы для ремонта Требуемые навыки

% Навыков

Bronze Armour 2 Bronze Ingots Blacksmithy 65.0 %
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Silver Armour 2 Silver Ingots Blacksmithy 67.5 %
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Golden Armour 2 Golden Ingots Blacksmithy 70.0 %
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Snow Armour 2 Snow Ingots Blacksmithy 75.0 %
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Scorpion Armour 2 Scorpion Ingots Blacksmithy 80.0 %
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Berserk Armour 2 Berserk Ingots Blacksmithy 82.0 %
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Acid Maniac Armour 2 Acid Maniac Ingots Blacksmithy 86.0 %
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Reptile Armour 2 Reptile Ingots Blacksmithy 90.0 %
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Water Armour 5 Water Ingots Blacksmithy 100.0 %
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Black Rock Armour 2 Black Rock Ingots Blacksmithy 99.0 %
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Titanium Armour 2 Titanium Ingots Blacksmithy 100.0 %
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Heaven Armour 2 Heaven Ingots Blacksmithy 105.0 %
Item Identification 100.0 %
Arms Lore 100.0 %
Abyss Armour 2 Abyss Ingots Blacksmithy 110.0 %
Item Identification 100.0 %
Arms Lore 100.0 %

Ремонт навыком Tailoring

Название Ресурсы для ремонта Требуемые навыки % Навыков
Gargoyle Studded Armour 5 Gargoyle Hides Tailoring 90.0 %
Item Identification
Ophidian Studded Armour 5 Ophidian Hides Tailoring 95.0 %
Item Identification
Scorpion Studded Armour 5 Scorpion Hides Tailoring 100.0 %
Item Identification
Sea Serpent Studded Armour 5 Sea Serpent Hides Tailoring 100.0 %
Item Identification

Special Armour

Название Ресурсы для ремонта Требуемые навыки % Навыков
Serpent Armour 25 Serpent Scales Blacksmithy 100.0 %
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Daemon Armour 20 Daemon Bones Magery 100.0 %
Resisting Spells
Item Identification
Ancient Dragon Armo 20 Fertile Dirt
10 Oil Flask

Магическая броня

Название Ресурсы для
+5 Platemail of Defence 1 Magic Ingot
+10 Platemail of Guarding 2 Magic Ingots
+15 Platemail of Hardening 3 Magic Ingots
+20 Platemail of Fortification 4 Magic Ingots
+25 Platemail of Invulnerability 5 Magic Ingots
Прочитано раз: 8087

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